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Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Baptist University Library

Exhibition Online: IWW 2016- Visiting Writers (The Written World) - Book Exhibition



Level 3, Au Shue Hung Memorial Library


2 - 30 November, 2016


About the Exhibition


The annual programme of International Writers’ Workshop (IWW), Visiting Writers 2016, will be held between 26 October and 24 November this year. With the theme of "The Written World" for the 2016 events, six writer from the world are coming to Hong Kong. They are an Indonesian writer, a Nigerian-Finnish writer, poets from Turkey and the US, as well as a Malaysian-Chinese writer and a novelist from China. We are pleased to introduce you:

Ms. Asma Nadia (Indonesian novelist and non-fiction writer)
Ms. Minna Salami (Nigerian-Finnish Writer)
Prof. Brian Kim Stefans (American Poet)
Ms. Müesser Yeníay (Turkish Poet)
Mr. King Ban Hui 龔萬輝先生 (Malaysian-Chinese Writer)
Ms. Lin Bai 林白女士 (Chinese Novelist) You can find more information from Internationals Writers' Workshop.



Poet (Electronic Literature)

Brian Kim Stefans was born in Rutherford, New Jersey in 1969. His books of poetry include "Viva Miscegenation'' (MakeNow Books, 2013), Kluge: A Meditation (Roof Books, 2007), What Is Said to the Poet Concerning Flowers (Heretical Texts, 2006), Angry Penguins (Harry Tankoos Books, 2000), Gulf (Object Editions, 1998) and Free Space Comix (Roof, 1998). Fashionable Noise: On Digital Poetics (Atelos, 2003) includes poems, an interview, and experimental essays on the role of algorithm in poetry and culture. His interactive art and digital poems include "Suicide in an Airplane"(1919), “Star Wars (one letter at a time)”, “The Dreamlife of Letters” and “Kluge: A Meditation”. He is also a video artist, graphic designer and publisher, and he blogs at Free Space Comix. Word Toys: Poetry and Technics, a sequence of essays, will appear from University of Alabama Press in 2017. He is an associate professor of poetry and new media in the English department of UCLA.


Asma Nadia (Indonesia)

Novelist and nonfiction writer

Asma Nadia is the author of 50 books and some anthologies, of which seven [Mother Longs To Take the Hajj] (2009), [House with No Windows] (2011), Ummi (2012), Assalamu’alaikum Beijing (2014), Paradise Forgotten (2015), PesantrenImpian (2016), and Jilbab Traveler (2016) have been adapted for the screen. Nadia contributes regularly to the daily Republika , which named her one of the seven most influential people in Indonesia for 2010. A co-founder of Forum Lingkar Pena, and Komunitas Bisa Menulis, which helps youth become writers, she is also a frequent campaigner in the “Indonesian Women Write” movement, and an organizer of 203 Rumah Baca, which provides free reading rooms for underserved youth. She participates in several writers in residency program such as in South Korea held by Korean Literature Translation Institute (2005), Le Chateau de Lavigny in Switzerland (2009), Canserrat Artists in Residence in Barcelona (2011) and International Writing Program in Iowa, (2013).


Minna Salami (Nigerian-Finnish)

Non-fiction writer

Listed by ELLE Magazine as one of “12 women changing the world“, Minna Salami is a Nigerian-Finnish writer and commentator, and the founder of MsAfropolitan, a multiple award-winning feminist blog. She is the author of a forthcoming book about future trends and ideas about gender, climate change and urbanism, to name a few topics. She is a member of Duke University’s Global Educator Network as well as the Guardian Africa Network and Guardian Books Network. Her writing features in the Guardian UK, Al Jazeera and the Huffington Post. Salami is also a columnist for the Guardian Nigeria. As a speaker, Salami is a frequent guest at events and universities in South Africa, Norway, Nigeria, Gabon, Morocco, France, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, China, Gambia, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and the USA.


Müesser Yeníay (Turkey)


Born in İzmir, 1984; graduated from Ege University, with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has won several prizes in Turkey. Her books are The Darkness Also Falls its Ground (2009), I Founded my House in Mountains (translation), I Drew the Sky Again (2011), The Other Consciousness: Surrealism and The Second New (2013), Before Me There Were Deserts (2014). She has also translated and published Contemporary Spanish Anthology. Her poems have been translated into various languages.Müesser is the editor of the literature magazine Şiirden (of Poetry). She is currently pursuing a Phd in Turkish literature at Bilkent University, Ankara, and is also a member of PEN and the Writers Syndicate of Turkey.


King Ban Hui (Malaysian-Chinese)

Writer and Painter

King Ban Hui was born in Malaysia. He studied at Kuala Lumpur College of Art and the Department of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University. He has returned Malaysia now and works as a freelance writer and painter. King received various literary awards in Taiwan and Malaysia, includes the first prize of United Daily Literature Awards (Prose), the Hai-O Youth Literature Awards and the Huazhong Literary Award (Novel and Prose). He was selected as one of the “Most expected 20 Novelists who are aged below 40” in 2012 by the Taiwanese literary journal Unitas. His works includes story collections The Room Next Door (《隔壁的房間》), The Morning School Bus (a collection of essays) (《清晨校車》), and a collection of paintings Lighter than Loneliness (《比寂寞更輕》).


Lin Bai (China) 


Lin Bai was born in Beiliu, Guangxi. She graduated from the Department of Library of Wuhan University in 1982. That same year, she began working in Guangxi Library and then shifted to the Literary Department of Guangxi Film Studio in 1987. In 1990, she joined China Culture Daily in Beijing.Lin started working as a freelance writer in 1996 and was assigned to work in the Wuhan Federation of Literary and Art Circles in 2004. Lin began her writing career in the 1980s, starting with poetry before writing novels. Her works include the novels One Person’s War (《一個人的戰爭》); Speak, Room (《說吧,房間》); Everything in Blossom (《萬物花開》); Records of Women's Chat (《婦女閒聊錄》) and The Ballad of Beijing (《北去來辭》). She has also published novellas, poems and essays and has been awarded many literary prizes, including The Chinese Literature Yearly Fiction Writers’ Award, the Lao She Literary Award and the Mao Dun Literature Prize nomination. Sina China selected The Ballad of Beijing (《北去來辭》) as one of the 10 best books in 2013. Some of her works have been published in Japanese, Korean, Italian, French, English, German and Russian.


布萊恩.金.史提芬 (美國)


布萊恩.金.史提芬1969年生於新澤西州盧瑟福市。著有詩集《種族通婚萬歲》、《雜牌電腦:沉思錄》、《給惜花詩人的話》、《憤怒的企鵝》、《鴻溝》及《自由空間漫畫》。文集《時尚的聲音: 數碼詩學》包含詩作、訪問以實驗散文,探討﹙電腦﹚演算法在詩歌及文化中的角色。他的互動藝術及數碼詩包括〈航機上自殺〉、〈星球大戰(單字母演繹)〉、〈字母的夢中生活〉及〈雜牌電腦:沉思錄〉。他也是影像藝術家、平面設計師、出版人和博客。新作《文字玩意: 詩歌與法則》是一本散文集,將由阿拉巴馬大學出版社於2017年出版。現為加州大學洛杉磯分校英文系副教授,教授詩歌與新媒體課程。


阿斯瑪.娜迪亞 (印尼)​


阿斯瑪.娜迪亞著有五十本小說及多本文集,其中七部作品《渴望朝覲的母親》(2009)、《沒有窗戶的房子》(2011)、《烏米》(2012)、《你好北京》(2014)、《被遺忘的樂園》(2015)、《夢想的伊斯蘭學校》(2016)和《帶頭巾的旅行者》(2016)被改編為電影登上大銀幕。娜迪亞定期為《印尼共和國報》供稿,2010年獲該報選為印尼七大最具影響力人物之一。她與夥伴創立印尼筆社,再成立Komunitas Bisa Menulis,協助有志成為作家的青少年;積極推動「印尼婦女寫作運動」,並致力設立社區圖書館,提供基層青少年免費的閱讀空間。 她多次獲邀到外地訪問,包括2005年到南韓的韓國文學翻譯院、2009年在瑞士拉微尼堡、2011年在巴塞羅拿,以及2013年參加美國愛荷華大學國際寫作計畫。


米娜.莎樂美 (尼日利亞—芬蘭)


米娜.莎樂美是尼日利亞/芬蘭混血兒,作家與評論家;創立的網站MsAfropolitan獲多項獎譽、被時尚雜誌 ELLE 選為「十二位改變世界的女性」的其中之一。新作有關未來趨勢、性別、氣候變化、城市化等議題,快將出版。 莎樂美是杜克大學的全球教育家網絡、衛報非洲網絡及衛報書網絡的成員。她的作品多見於英國《衛報》、《半島電視台》、《赫芬頓郵報》,另於尼日利亞版的《衛報》撰寫專欄。多次應邀到歐美及亞非多國的活動或大學演講,曾到之地包括南非、摩洛哥、加彭、尼日利亞、挪威、法國、德國、瑞典、中國、澳洲、美國等諸國。


梅莎.雅尼婭 (土耳其)


梅莎.雅尼婭1984年生於土耳奇伊茲密爾,畢業於艾格大學英國語言文學系。她的作品在土耳其曾獲多項獎譽,著作有《黑暗也降臨》(2009)、《再畫出天空》(2011) 、《其他意識:超現實主義及第二新派》(2013) 、《在我面前是沙漠》(2014);譯作包括《山林裡找到我的家》、《當代西班牙文集》。她的詩作也有多種外語版本。梅莎是文學期刊《Şiirden》的編輯,也是土耳其作家筆會及作家組織會員,現於安卡拉的畢爾肯大學修讀土耳其文學博士學位。


龔萬輝 (馬來西亞)


出生於馬來西亞,曾就讀於吉隆坡美術學院和國立台灣師範大學美術系,目前從事文字和繪畫創作。 曾獲台灣聯合報文學獎散文首獎、馬來西亞花蹤文學獎小說首獎及散文首獎、海鷗文學獎等。著有小說集《卵生年代》、《隔壁的房間》、散文集《清晨校車》和畫冊《比寂寞更輕》。作品收入九歌《九十三年散文選》、《有本詩集:22詩人自選》等。二○一二年獲《聯合文學》雜誌選為20位40歲以下最受期待的華文小說家之一。


林白 (中國)


生於廣西北流,1982年畢業於武漢大學圖書館學系,同年分配至廣西圖書館。1987年調入廣西電影製片廠文學部,1990年到北京《中國文化報》,1996年起為自由撰稿人,2004年調武漢市文聯。 上世紀八十年代初開始寫作,先詩歌,後小說。著有長篇小說《一個人的戰爭》、《說吧,房間》《萬物花開》《婦女閒聊錄》、《北去來辭》等,另有中短篇小說及詩歌散文若干。有《林白文集》四卷。《婦女閒聊錄》獲華語文學傳媒大獎年度小說家獎,《北去來辭》獲老舍文學獎長篇小說獎、人民文學長篇小說雙年獎,榮登新浪中國好書榜年度十大好書,並獲第九屆茅盾文學獎提名獎。部分作品譯為日、韓、意、法、英、德、俄等文字出版或發表。