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Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Baptist University Library

Exhibition Online: IWW 2016- Writer in Residence - Ms. Shih Shu Ching



Level 3, Au Shue Hung Memorial Library


28 April - 31 May, 2016


About the Exhibition


To celebrate this year's IWW Writer-in-Residence, an exhibition on Ms. Shih Shu-ching (施叔青) is being held in the library lobby until the end of May. Not only you can view the author's publications, her manuscripts which is part of her donations to the library is also on display. You can find more information from Internationals Writers' Workshop.

Biography of the Writer

Shih Shu-ching

Author Shih Shu-ching gained notice for her outlandish, unusual storytelling when she first launched her writing career: she excelled in a modernistic and existentialistic narrative prose of illusions and outrageous experiences. In 1980's, Shih created a series of HK-inspired novellas focusing on Hong Kong's mishmash communities of Chinese and Caucasian inhabitants right before 1997. The stories are tinged with despair, and local lifestyles of decadence and excess before Hong Kong's sovereignty was transferred to the People's Republic of China. In light of China regaining its colonial governance, Shih, a longtime Hong Kong resident, switched gears and began writing historic fictions in 1990s. Her Hong Kong Trilogy is made up of Her Name is Butterfly (1993), Mountain Covered with Hong Kong Orchid Trees (1995), and The Lonely Cloud Manor (1997). Taiwan Trilogy, released in succession after 2003, was a manifesto of Shih's ambition to recount Taiwan's history. The first installment, Passing by Loytsin (2003) chronicles the boom and bust of small town Lukang during Qing Dynasty, dating its history back to the Dutch rule, and the town's control by Koxingka's Zheng Dynasty. The story explores the relationship between the early Han settlers, the aboriginals, and the Qing. The second installment, Dust in the Wind (2008), portrays transnational colonialism that characterized "the Control of the Aborigines of Formosa" during the Japanese colonial period, and the relationship between the aboriginals in eastern Taiwan, the Hakka inhabitants, and the Japanese colonists. The third installment, Men of Three Generations (2010), profiles the social, cultural, and nationalist movement in Taiwan during 1920's and 1930's. The story focuses on the identity struggle and confusion of inhabitants educated by both the Japanese colonists and the newly arrived Chinese nationals; it also touches upon the anti-government uprising - the 228 Massacre. In general, the first half of Shih's writing career is defined by a rich and diverse style, a wide gamut of themes, and profound emotional and social struggles. The second half of her journey reflects a greater depth of life experience, and it lends a multinational perspective, a deep connection with history, and a critical view to her storytelling. ——Liu Liang-ya (translation by Jennifer Shih Carson)





Year TItle Award Organization
1995 [Mountain Covered with Hong Kong Orchid Trees]  Best Book of the Year of Dushuren   United Daily News
1995 [Mountain Covered with Hong Kong Orchid Trees]  Ten Excellent Books of the Year China Times
1999 [Hong Kong Trilogy] Top 100 Chinese Novels in the 20th Century Asia Weekly
2004 [Passing by Loytsin] Ten Excellent Novels of the Year China Times
2008 / 12th National Award for Arts (Literature) The National Culture and Arts Foundation(Taiwan)
年份 作品 獎譽 頒獎機構
1983 〈窯變—香港的故事之二〉 短篇小說推薦獎 《聯合報》
1995 《遍山洋紫荊》 讀書人最佳書獎 《聯合報》
1995 《遍山洋紫荊》 開卷年度十大好書 《中國時報》
1998 《寂寞雲園》 1997最具影響力書籍 金石堂書店
1998 《寂寞雲園》 讀書人最佳書獎 《聯合報》
1999 《香港三部曲》 二十世紀中文小說一百強 《亞洲週刊》
2000 《微醺彩妝》 第三屆台北文學創作獎 台北市政府
2003 《遍山洋紫荊》 十大好書 香港電台
2004 《行過洛津》 開卷年度十大好書 《中國時報》
2008 / 第十二屆國家文藝獎 台灣國家文化藝術基金會

Exhibition Highlights

2016駐校作家: 施叔青作品展覽