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Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Baptist University Library

Exhibition Online: 果: 珠寶設計作品展 Guo : Jewellery Design Show











講座: 《玉 ·石之美者》








何家傑先生 (FGA, DGA, GIA, MV.CG)
資深寶石鑑定師及估值師,也是香港資歷架構指定的行業專家(珠寶業)。 何先生從事珠寶行業逾四十年,對於翡翠及鑽石研究尤其精闢,他亦是浸會大學持續教育學院寶石學課程的資深兼職導師。


About the Exhibition


以《果》為名的珠寶設計作品展,是2018年商業設計高級文憑(珠寶設計及商品展示) 畢業同學迸發潛能的成果,更包含從果實中孕育出新種子的意義,寓意同學為未來發展萌芽,創意生生不息。當中的創作主題天馬行空且多元化 ,體現他們對不同物料與技術的實驗及探討,讓觀眾對珠寶設計及商品展示有更嶄新、更有趣的視覺體驗。

Featured Works

獵巫 Witch-Hunt


This collection takes inspiration from a historical event, the Salem Witch Trials.
In the honor of the persecuted women, this collection imitates the aesthetics favoured by suitors of the mystic arts. The theme is portrayed through elements such as textured metal shards and torn chiffon.

韓樂遙 Isabella Hon

香港人情緒壓力 Relief of Hong Kong People's Emotional Stress


My designed jewellery collection focuses on emotional stress and how people deal with their negative emotions.
I used soft plastic in my design, to function as stress relieve while wearing the jewellery pieces.
I use the visual of the blowing balloon as a sad symbol. I hope my work can raise awareness for the issue of stress.

楊曉晴 Judith Yeung

量 Core


I think every jewellery piece can represent people's minds. No matter what they design, make it, sell it, buy it or even receive it. I think that the precious value of jewellery doesn't have to care about the material, but about the heart! Even if it is just a feather, copper or stone, as long as there is a heart, it can be connected with a feeling. Just like the human spine, it is not obvious that each section of bone is tightly hidden but it is very important. Therefore I used the image of the spine and its structure to use copper and Epoxy to design a line of jewelry to build jewelry and human feeling connection. connection.

羅洛琳 Vienna Law

煩惱 Worries


This series of work stems from my own experience growing up. The series of rings illustrates the anxieties of growing up. Ranging from meeting strangers and adjusting to new environments to integrating into groups.. Those feelings are expressed through this collection of jewellery.
Each item placed on the podium of the ring is a representation of a real-life situation. Viewers are welcome to interpret my collection in their own ways, and use their own personal life experiences.

李卓怡 Katy Lee

纖巧的大自然 Delicate Nature

我的作品以樹葉和蝴蝶為題,體現我對大自然的喜愛 。葉子的紋路和蝴蝶的斑紋成為了我的作品的靈感,我希望能以我的作品把牠們的美保存起來,不受歲月的摧殘。

Leaves and wing patterns of butterflies are the inspiration for my collection. Both butterflies and leaves are fragile. For this series of work I took elements from nature and transformed this into jewellery.

郭霖 Chloe Lam

珠寶能說人的五感 Jewellery can tell 5 senses


The designer challenged herself to create a collection that satisfies all five senses. As an extension of the wearer’s personality, this series goes beyond making a visual statement. Each individual piece aims at fulfilling one of our bodily senses, such diversity is tied together through “popcorn” as the central visual component.

余詩穎 Apple Yu

動態 Dynamic


This series of jewellery is called dynamic. The framework of the design is to transform jewellery from a static condition to a dynamic condition.
Traditionally, jewellery was formed as a static state when it was made,resulting in a lack of ability for the designer to express their thought.
Dynamic was designed to show the everlasting charm of the jewellery in multi-dimension.

戴彥培 Perry Tai

化簡 Simplified


I believe all things in the world can be represented with basic geometric figures, and that complex figures evolve from the simplest figures. This collection takes inspiration from the human body and gestures, retelling them in geometric representation. Will the human body become more simple and easy to understand?

羅宛珊 Sandy Law

港。婚 “Kong” Marriage



林維健的龍鳳鐲以銀及人造鋯石打造而成,設計及製作歷時兩個多月,創作意念源自婚嫁傳統。他認為「婚嫁」最能體現香港中西文化共融的特點,遂以當中最富象徵意義的龍鳳鐲作為參賽作品。林維健的設計最特別之處,就是從不同角度看,手鐲均呈現出「東」、「西」兩個漢字,以及英文字母「E」(East) 和「W」(West),在在彰顯出中西匯萃的主題。

林維健 Chris Lam Wai Kin

Schaumburg watch display design
(Blood Moon, Renaissance, GT car collection)

We are Apache wheel and we choose Schaumburg watch as our visual merchandising project. Since this brand didn’t have much of visual merchandising elements inside, we think it is a great opportunity for us to show our idea without worrying the brand’s previous design. Each of our design based on different themed of the watch which are blood moon, gt car and renaissance. We want to make something attractive and a different approach to of displaying product so we choose a dramatic approach to emphasis the theme of these watches.

Apache Wheel
- Silver Yeung
- Felix Tang
- Michelle Chong

Queen of Hearts
For our Final Project, we choose a Wonderful collection from Dolce & Gabbana, which called “Queen of Hearts”. We appreciate their concept and fashion products. And it inspired us on visual merchandise.

- Agnes Hung
- Tiffany Tsang
- Kary Ng

Exhibition Highlights