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展覽 Exhibition: | |
日期 Date: |
20 / 04 / 2017 - 08 / 07 / 2017 |
開幕禮 Opening Ceremony: | |
日期 Date: |
20 / 04 / 2017 |
時間 Time: |
2:30pm |
地點 Venue: |
香港浸會大學逸夫校園區樹洪紀念圖書館三樓 Level 3, Au Shue Hung Memorial Library, Shaw Campus, HKBU |
講座 Public Lecture: | |
日期 Date: |
20 / 04 / 2017 |
地點 Venue: |
香港浸會大學逸夫校園區樹洪紀念圖書館2樓多功能活動室 Level 2, Multipurpose Room, Au Shue Hung Memorial Library, Shaw Campus, HKBU |
時間 Time: |
12 noon - 微型版畫:從臺灣藏書票談起 Mini Print: To Begin with Bookplates in Taiwan 7 pm - 藝術無疆界:近代台灣的視覺表述與文化構圖 Art without borders: Visual Representations of Culture and Tradition in Modern Taiwan |
講者 Speaker: |
倪又安博士 Dr. Ni Yu-an |
倪又安博士現為國立臺灣藝術大學美術學系兼任助理教授。除撰寫藝術評論、發表學術論文和策劃展覽外,倪一直從事藝術創作。他分別以章三、李巳、王午、趙陸等化名發表不同類型之作品,並參與「赫島社」和「大崙尾藝術工作隊」等藝術團體的活動及計畫。創作的面向涵蓋版畫、行為、觀念、總體藝術、油畫、水墨等。Dr. Ni is the assistant professor at the Department of Fine Arts of the National Taiwan University of Art (NTUA), Taiwan. In addition to being an art critic, art historian and curator, he is also an active artist. He uses various pseudonyms including Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu and Zhao Liu (Zhao Lu) to publish his artworks in different mediums. He also participates in many collaborative projects with “Hedao Club” and “Dalunwei Work Team”, etc. As for his artworks, they range from prints, performance art, conceptual art, oil paintings to ink paintings. |
策展人導賞 Curator-led guided tour: | |
日期 Date: |
23 / 06 / 2017 |
時間 Time: |
2- 2:30 pm |
地點 Venue: |
香港浸會大學逸夫校園區樹洪紀念圖書館三樓 Level 3, Au Shue Hung Memorial Library, Shaw Campus, HKBU |
語言 Language: |
廣東話 Cantonese |
費用全免, 歡迎公眾人士參加 All are welcome |
「 以 書 為 家 」X 另 類 版 畫
國 際 藏 書 票 特 展
香港浸會大學圖書館 及 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院
香港浸會大學圖書館 及 香港浸會大學視覺藝術院聯合主辦名為「以書為家」X 另類版畫 國際藏書票特展。展覽將於四月廿日至五月三十一日,於浸大逸夫校園區樹洪紀念圖書館舉行,展出來自歐洲、台灣和香港十八個國家的藝術家製作約六、七十多張的藏書票、兩張原版(木刻版和銅版)、貼有書票的藏書、及一些與藏書票相關的書籍。
藏書票是貼於書籍扉頁,用以識別書籍擁有人的小票。多幅展品均獲世界級獎項,如日本Tomura Shigeki的兩幅更取得大展第一等獎,展品中有部份更是國際藏書票聯盟、第三十四屆國際藏書票雙年展的得獎作品,包括法國 Hlodec Elena 和香港熊愛儀。此外,熊愛儀的客家村落和淑女更均獲國際殊榮。而是次展覽更邀請台灣藝術家倪友安展出其近年作品並為香港浸會大學設計制作傳統風格的水印木刻藏書票。
時間:下午四時至五時 或 直接聯絡策展人另行預約安排。
地點:九龍塘聯福道 香港浸會大學(逸夫校園)區樹洪紀念圖書館三樓展廳(入口旁右轉)
如要聯絡策展人訪問,請直接電郵sarahng@hkbu.edu.hk 吳秀華/ Sarah Ng。
二)藝術無疆界: 近代台灣的視覺表述與文化構圖
香港浸會大學圖書館館長 Mr. Kendall Crilly
香港浸會大學視覺藝術院總監 莊藝勤教授
書票收藏家 王楚民先生
參展藝術家 倪又安(王午)博士
參展藝術家 熊愛儀女士
策展人、香港浸會大學研究助理教授 吳秀華博士
一般開放時間 (至 五月三十一日) |
暑期開放時間 (六月一日至八月三十一日) |
平日 上午八時半至晚上十一時 星期六 上午九時至晚上九時 星期日 下午一時至晚上七時 大學及公眾假期 休息 |
平日 上午九時至晚上九時 星期六 上午九時至晚上七時 星期日 休息 大學及公眾假期 休息 |
電話:(852)3411 2750
The Art of Prints x Especially for Books
Special Exhibition on International Ex-libris
Hidden Treasures Inside Books
Hong Kong Baptist University Library
Academy of Visual Arts (AVA), Hong Kong Baptist University|
Hong Kong Baptist University Library and Academy of Visual Arts (AVA) of the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) co-organise a special exhibition on ex-libris (Latin) or bookplates (English).
A bookplate is a slip of paper bearing the name of the book's owner inside a book. In this digital age, the change of reading habit by reading online or using electronic means made ebooks exploded in popularity. Not only printed books but hand-printed bookplates are disappearing as well, especially in Hong Kong. Nowadays, this little known art form became ever more luxurious, unique and rare hidden treasures inside books. Bookplates originated from Europe in the 15th century, they appeared in China not until the Republican period. They are the perfect example demonstrating the adoption of western culture in the Chinese context and traditions as well.
The exhibition will begin from April 20 to May 31, 2017, presenting about fifty bookplates recently made by artists from 18 countries, including Europe, Taiwan and Hong Kong. This rare category of mini prints will be displayed alongside with some of their woodcut and copperplate print originals, which are extraordinary, and bookplates presented inside books as well as both scholarly books and technical manuals on bookplates will also be shown.
To provide public a complete picture of bookplates for their appreciation, in addition to the skills and technical complexity involved, the exhibition selects as wide a variety of artistic styles and countries as possible. It also illustrates some common printmaking techniques and lists the common technical symbols for this special kind of mini prints, and features bookplates with content ranging from Medieval illuminations to traditional Chinese villages.
This exhibition hopes to make these valuable and international bookplates known to as many people as possible. It also aims to stimulate more people to discover this endangered literary culture, keep it alive in Hong Kong and push it to the next level. A series of events promoting these treasures related to literary paraphernalia are organized, including the lectures and guided tours. A special booklet of highlight exhibits and bookplate articles has also been published for this exhibition.
*All exhibition-related activities will be held inside Au Shue Hung Memorial Library, Hong Kong Baptist University, Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, unless specified otherwise.
Media preview and interview session*
Upon request by appointment
Date: April 19, 2017 (Wednesday)
Time: 16:00 – 17:00
Venue: 3/F Au Shue Hung Library, Hong Kong Baptist University, Renfrew Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Media enquiries
Dr. Sarah NG, curator of the exhibition and research assistant professor of Academy of Visual Art, HKBU
Tel: (852) 6122 9938, Email: sarahng@hkbu.edu.hk
Public lectures*
Date: April 20, 2017 (Thursday)
(1) Alternative Prints: To Begin with Bookplates in Taiwan
Date: April 20, 2017 (Thursday)
Time: 12:00
(2) Art Without Borders: Visual Representations of Culture and Tradition in Modern Taiwan
Time: 19:00
Venue: Multipurpose room, L2
Language: Putonghua
Free admission. First-come, first-served. No registration required.
Opening ceremony*
Date: April 20, 2017 (Thursday)
Time: 14:30
Officiating guests and hosts
Mr. Kendall Crilly, University Librarian, HKBU
Prof. John Aiken, Director of AVA, HKBU
Mr. Edward Wong, Collector
Dr. Yu-an Ni (Wang Wu), Artist
Ms. Malou Hung, Artist
Dr. Sarah Ng, Exhibition curator and research assistant professor, AVA
(Refreshments will be served)
Curator-led guided tour*
Date: April 20, 2017 (Thursday)
Time: 14:15 or after the ceremony
Language: Cantonese
No registration required.
Details of the exhibition*
Period: April 20, 2017 (Thursday) to July 8, 2017 (Saturday)
Regular opening hours (till 31 May 2017) | Summer Service hours (1 June – 31 August 2017) |
08:30 – 23:00 (Weekdays) 09:00 – 21:00 (Saturdays) 13:00 – 19:00 (Sundays) Closed (University and Public Holidays) |
09:00 – 21:00 (Weekdays) 09:00 – 19:00 (Saturdays) Closed (Sundays) Closed (Public holidays) |
Tel: (852) 3411 2750
Email: libexh@hkbu.edu.hk
Admission: Free
Website: http://hkbu.libguides.com/exhibitions/exlibris
吳秀華博士 視覺藝術院研究助理教授 |
在印刷媒體、書藉及書局式微的年代,相信更加沒有人知道,或聽過甚麼是藏書票。古人因為對書藉的珍重而設計了藏書票,有如書的身份證一樣,看看藏書票上的圖案,就知道書藉是屬於那一家或那一位的收藏。藏書票除了是一種立票留名於書的文仕雅舉,用以作憑證的實際用途外, 到今天,它與郵票一樣,已成為藏家搜集的對像。藏書票研究也成為一門學問,反映了每一個地方和時代的文化精神和歷史面貌。
香港的藏書票協會會員不多,早年雖然只有十多人,全部都是創作藏書票的藝術家,算是相當小眾和精英。不過香港藏書票製作的水準甚高,在亞洲以至國際上都屢獲殊榮。例如余先生的愛妻熊美儀(Clara)和她的妹妹熊愛儀(Malou),都是香港的藝術家。專攻銅版畫的熊愛儀,更屢獲國際獎項,例如以《香港奧運馬術》、《淑女》、《抓周》及《霸王別姬》,分別奪得2009年第一屆塞爾維亞藏書票提名獎、第二十三屆波蘭Malbork國際現代藏書票雙年展榮譽獎及Ostr o w Wielkopolski波蘭國際小版畫及藏書票雙年展獎章等。熊愛儀亦於2010年奪得日本金賞獎,也是第一位華人獲此殊榮。
踏入二千年後,香港中央圖書館的啟幕,特別與香港藏書票協會舉辦「國際藏書票展覽」,邀請了全球25個國家及地區的92位藏書票創作者,提交了近200份作品展覽。 相隔十多載沒有相關展覽後,藏書票展覽終於在愛書和愛藝術的香港藏書票協會榮譽會長余元康伉儷的推波助瀾下,經筆者穿針引線,榮幸得到香港浸會大學圖書館的郭主任(Lolita)邀請和其團隊的支持和鼎力協助下,得以成功舉辦展出為期約一個月的國際藏書票展覽。另要鳴謝為本次展覽慷概借出其近年剛入藏的國際藏書票的本地書票藏家王楚民先生、國際享譽盛名的藏書票藝術家熊美儀女士和知名台灣年青藝術家倪又安博士,借出其專為陳澄波全集而制作的多張藏書票近作,於是次「以書為家」的另類版畫:國際藏書票特中展出。
Eternal Relationship: My Love for and with Books A brief history of ex-libris in Hong Kong
Dr. Sarah Ng Research Assistant Professor Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University |
In an era which witnesses the decline of print media, books and bookstores, it is believed that ex-libris has become even more unknown and unheard of. Since people in the past cherished books with great affection and tenderness, ex-libris, just like identity cards of books, was designed to serve as a mark of ownership. Nowadays, ex-libris is not merely a fine manner of literati who label their names on books for the practical identification purpose. Similar to philately, ex-libris is also an object of collection for hoarders and a field of study that reflects the culture and historical conditions of a specific time and space.
Perhaps out of cultural differences, the habit of collecting books shows a regional disparity. While in China, seals were used as a mark; in Europe, ex-libris which was designed first and then directly pasted on books was a preferable practice. With the invention and widespread use of printing, books were widely popularized and ex-libris began to come into sight. The earliest known example was thought to date from the 15th century. At that time, aristocrats produced one of the first ex-libris illustrated with an angel when presenting books to monasteries as gifts. Later when Europeans landed on Asia, ex-libris was spread to Japan and China afterward.
The dimensions of ex-libris vary, depending on the size of books. Generally, an illustrated ex-libris with texts takes the form of 3 x 5 inches, produced from woodcut printing, lithography, etching or color process printing. Not only does it bear the name of the owner, it also features aphorisms and mottos that express insights of and appreciation to reading and book collecting. Most likely because the art of prints has been highly valued by the Japanese, ex-libris caught their attention and appeared in Japan as early as in the 18th century. While in China, it only became popular during the Republican period.
As for Hong Kong, only until 1980s, when the local renowned collector and painter Yu Yuanhong founded the Hong Kong Ex-libris Association with other print-makers who were also interested in collecting ex-libris, such hobby of literati artists was introduced and promoted to the public. During an interview, Yu says, “no one knew what ex-libris was back then in Hong Kong. Neither did I. When I presented my exhibition of prints in Japan, a member from the Nippon Ex-libris Association saw my works and asked if I could make ex-libris. I even asked him what an ex-libris was. Soon after, he introduced me to the director of the Nippon Ex-libris Association and I founded the Hong Kong Ex-libris Association with some painter friends after heading back to Hong Kong.”
In 1990s, Yu and eight (or nine) friends made ten ex-libris each and organized the first Hong Kong Ex-libris Association Exhibition at the Commercial Press in Central with a catalogue published. In the same year, they also co-organized the International Ex-libris Exhibition at the University Museum and Art Gallery, the University of Hong Kong. The association even became a member of the International Federation of Societies of Ex-libris Collectors with representatives participating in the biennial International Ex-libris Congress in different cities and awarded “Gold Award.”
In its early years, the Hong Kong Ex-libris Association had only around a dozen of members all of which were artists who made ex-libris. It might seem to be a minority and elitist, but the quality of their ex-libris production was high and widely recognized in Asia and in the world. Examples include Yu’s wife Hung Mei Yee Clara and her sister Hung Oi Yee Malou, both of who are artists from Hong Kong. Specialized in etching, Malou Hung was awarded prizes including Mention Award in the 1st International Competition, Serbia in 2009 with "Olympic Equestrian Event in Hong Kong"; Medals of Honour at the 23rd International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Exlibris, Malbork, Poland with "The Lady" and "A Child's First Birthday"; and Medal in the 14th International Biennial of Small Graphics Forms and Exlibris, Ostrơw Wielkopolski, Poland with "Farewell My Concubine!" In 2010, she was also awarded Gold Prize in Japan and is the first Chinese awardee of this prize.
Collectors from Hong Kong also had a high degree of exchange with those from Taiwan and subsequently brought the European knowledge of ex-libris to Taiwan. For instance, Hong Kong scholar Dong Qiao who graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature of Taiwan’s National Cheng Kung University had conducted research on ex-libris during his sojourn in Britain and published articles on the subject of ex-libris and related arts in Taiwan in 1980s. His articles explained the historical development of western ex-libris and the appreciation of ex-libris and aphorism and artistic value, supplementing a Western perspective to the art of ex-libris in Taiwan which had been influenced by a Japanese system.
Hong Kong has exerted an impact on the development of modern ex-libris art in Taiwan. Apart from Dong’s call for ex-libris exhibitions in Taipei, Taiwanese water printing expert Pan Yuan-shih was influenced by Hong Kong print-maker Mui Chong Ki as well. Pan discovered the ex-libris made by Mainland Chinese artists in Mui’s studio and was informed about the presence of ex-libris research institutions and exhibitions in Mainland China. In August 1980, Pan organized the first National Ex-libris Joint Exhibition and invited Mui, the then executive director of Ex-libris Research Institute in China, to participate and demonstrate the production of ex-libris to the visitors.
With the opening of the Hong Kong Central Library in the 21st century, the Hong Kong Ex-libris Association took part to co-organize the International Ex-libris Exhibition. The exhibition invited 92 Ex-libris artists from 25 countries and regions with around 200 exhibits proposed.
With the absence of related exhibitions for more than a decade, an ex-libris exhibition with collateral events finally take place in Hong Kong again. After the public lecture organized by Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University and the Hong Kong Ex-libris Association in mid-March this year, Sotheby’s also presented a collection of ex-libris by Dong Qiao in its auction in April. Furthermore, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University and Hong Kong Baptist University Library will now co-organize the first International Ex-Libris Exhibition, in the hope of bringing again this disappearing field of arts to the public and contributing to the continuity of this traditional art which saw the exchange between the East and the West. The great historical significance and the non-material artistic values presented by such art are what make the high art featured in art fairs, though extravagant, incomparable. Ex-libris is a high manner of literati, at once popular and notable. Very often, owners of ex-libris do not sell for money but trade for others' ex-libris as a commemoration of friendship. Ex-libris does not exist only for the sake of residing in a book but also acts as a vehicle to express affection and connect the like-minded. Collectors and artists need to appreciate each other before exchanging what they treasure. This transcends the relationship between men and artworks or books and thus becomes a bridge of interpersonal communication.
The exhibition titled “The Art of Prints x Especially for Books Special Exhibition on International Ex-libris” will be held in Hong Kong Baptist University Library from April 20 through the end of May and open to the public. During the exhibition period, there will be talks related to ex-libris which invite the world-renowned ex-libris artist Malou Oi Yee Hung and the celebrated Taiwanese young artist Ni Yu-An to present their recent works, as a means to promote the art of ex-libris to the public. What’s more, the Hong Kong Ex-libris Association will also explain what ex-libris is and introduce how the association promotes the advancement of ex-libris in Hong Kong. Details can be found in the exhibition website.
The art of bookplates
(RTHK's The Works 05-24-2017)
情繫於書: 香港藏書票簡史
(典藏古美術 5月號/2017 第296期)
("Permission to share this article is granted to HKBU Library by the Publisher, May 2017")
「X另類版畫」藏書票展 普及藏書票文化
(文匯報 05-02-2017)
(大公報 04-21-2017)
(HKBU eNews 04-19-2017)
(星島日報 04-19-2017)
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