哲學與人文科學, 1915 - Current
政治軍事與法律, 1994 - Current
教育與社會科學綜合, 1994 - Current
經濟與管理科學, 1994 - Current
醫藥衛生科技, 1915 - Current
電子技術及信息科學, 2014 - Current
收錄大量台灣出版的期刊, 學科包含人文學、自然科學、應用科學、社會科學、醫學與生命科學。前身為台灣電子期刊服務網。
An annotated online database that aims to allow researchers to quickly identify all research literature related to education in Hong Kong. The following categories of research output are included: books or book chapters, articles from periodicals, dissertations or theses, conference papers, research reports and any other related materials
Established in 1964 by the United States Department of Education, ERIC provides access to millions of bibliographic records covering the education research literature. Discover scholarly sources like journal articles, books, and dissertations. ERIC also indexes "grey" literature - reports, policy papers, speeches, etc.
ERIC is available via three different interfaces. The content is the same, so choose the one that you like best:
The Educational Resource Information Center is the largest education database in the world, indexing all types of educational literature from journal articles to research reports.
The Educational Resource Information Center is the largest education database in the world, indexing all types of educational literature from journal articles to research reports.
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