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Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Baptist University Library

E-books Guide @ HKBU Library: Downloading and printing e-books

Everything you need to know about finding and using e-books in HKBU Library and beyond.

Read online or download?

Read Online or Download? 

If you are using a public PC, choose Read Online rather than Download. Downloading to a public PC doesn't work with all e-books, as you sometimes need special software.

Our recommendations:

  • Download individual chapters instead of "checking out" the entire e-book whenever possible.
  • When you do a full-title "check out", make sure you log in with your personal account when you try to access the e-book on a different device.
  • Some e-book titles have restrictions on the number of users who can read/access it simultaneously, so if you've done reading an e-book, close your browser tab to end your session (and release the e-book so another eligible user can read it).

e-books Download Options

Quick video - e-book Download Options

Appropriate Use of E-Resources

Appropriate Use of E-Resources


Be mindful of the Library's policy on the Appropriate Use of E-Resources when downloading or printing e-books.