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Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Baptist University Library

Biology Subject Guide: Key databases for Biology

Essential library/internet resources and research support for Biology Students

Databases for Biology

 Relevant Databases for Biology

Other Open Access Repositories

 Other Open Access Repositories

Open Access Repositories are collections and/or archives that provide free and searchable access to scholarly publications including journal articles, proceedings, working papers, technical report and sometimes even research data. 

Here is a list of authoritative OA repositories or directories that contain or point to biology-related publications:

Internet Resources

 Taxonomy Databases/Tools

 NCBI Taxonomy

  • The Taxonomy Database is a curated classification and nomenclature for all of the organisms in the public sequence databases. This currently represents about 10% of the described species of life on the planet.

 Index to Organism Names

  • ION contains the organism names related data gathered from the scientific literature for Clarivate Analytics' Zoological Record® database. 

 The International Plant Names Index

  • The International Plant Names Index (IPNI) is a database of the names and associated basic bibliographical details of seed plants, ferns and lycophytes.


 Chemical Information and Safety Data


  • Owned by RSC, ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 35 million structures from hundreds of data sources.


  • Chemical properties, as well as Safety Data Sheet (also known as Material Safety Data Sheets), can be searched through its product catalog.

 TOXNET Databases

  • TOXNET® is a group of databases covering chemicals and drugs, diseases and the environment, environmental health, occupational safety and health, poisoning, risk assessment and regulations, and toxicology. It is managed by the Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (TEHIP) at National Library of Medicine (NLM).


  • The DrugBank database is a unique bioinformatics and cheminformatics resource that combines detailed drug (i.e. chemical, pharmacological and pharmaceutical) data with comprehensive drug target (i.e. sequence, structure, and pathway) information.



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