Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Baptist University Library


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Based on David Daniels’ reference work Orchestral Music: A Handbook, this database provides access to information on more than 7,000 works by nearly 1,000 composers.

Brings together over 40,000 pages of essential reference materials covering the entire history of Western classical music.

Comprehensive collection of over 25,000 music scores, including full, study, piano, and vocal scores, plus piano reductions

This is an online collection of the world’s musical and aural traditions. The 45,000+ tracks cover a variety of genres including American Folk, Blues, Bluegrass, Old Time Country, American Indian, World, Jazz, Spoken Word & Sounds, and Children’s.

A comprehensive online reference work covering music research of all the world’s peoples. Includes over 9,000 pages of materials contributed by 700 international experts. Written entries are complemented by hundreds of audio examples.

A huge online collection focused on classical music - over 2.3 million tracks. Along with classical music, jazz, world, and pop/rock are also represented.

Facilitates searching and browsing of over 600 pieces from some 70 manuscripts about Jean-Baptiste Lully's keyboard arrangements.

Comprehensively documents the world's musical sources of manuscripts or printed music, works on music theory, and libretti stored in libraries, archives, monasteries, schools and private collections. RISM documents what exists and where it is stored.

The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize scholarly research

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Jun 2, 2023 13


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Music Liaison Librarian


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May Wong
AML Library (Main Library) Room 303