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Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Baptist University Library

WisersOne: What is WisersOne?

If you want to know more about WisersOne, this guide provides an overview of this database's new features. 

Looking for a newspaper?

From WiseNews to WisersOne
Previously known as WiseNews, this database has had a complete redesign and is now called WisersOne.


WisersOne offers an improved user experience in accessing a wide range of information from newspapers, magazines, journals and newswires published in China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan and other regions of the world.

Note that articles are text-based and do not include any photos or other visual elements (e.g. charts and graphs).

Here are just some of the hundreds of publications available through WisersOne:

  • Economic Digest (經濟一週)

  • Ming Pao Daily News (明報)

  • Global Times (環球時報)

  • The Liberty Times (自由時報)

Finding newspaper articles with OneSearch

There are two ways to access content on WisersOne

WiseObserver: Browse news content by categories
WiseSearch: Search news content with keywords





How to choose the language of the WisersOne interface?

By default, the interface is displayed in English (with Chinese content in traditional characters). You can change it to English (with Chinese content in simplified characters), traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese using the language settings.

The platform will refresh automatically after selection.

Your Librarian

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Venus Lam