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Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Baptist University Library

Gender Studies Subject Guide: Recommended books & journals

Key information resources to support students of Gender Studies.



The Library has hundreds of thousands of books, both online and in print. They range from introductory texts to in-depth scholarly studies of specialized topics. Search our vast collection with OneSearch.

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  • Limit your search to the subject field to increase relevancy

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Recommended books

Here are some highlights from the Library's book collection relevant to Gender Studies:




Chinese societies

Gender Studies e-journals


E-journals are serial publications where scholars publish the results of their latest research. Often you will discover e-journal content using library databases, but it can be useful to browse core journals in your discipline directly. BrowZine is a great way to explore the Library's subscribed journals:

Explore Gender and Sexuality journals via BrowZine

Not all of the Library's journals are accessible via BrowZine. Below are listed additional titles relevant to Gender Studies scholarship:

Journals on Chinese Societies: