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Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Baptist University Library

News & Newspapers: Current Newspapers

Looking for newspaper articles at HKBU Library? You've come to the right place!

Current Newspapers

Current Newspapers

Newspaper Databases

Newspapers are made available through either large aggregated databases or direct subscriptions to the newspaper's online website. For newspapers available in large aggregated databases (e.g. Wisenews), the articles are usually text-based and do not include any photos or other visual elements (e.g. charts and graphs). For newspapers available through direct subscriptions, the articles are usually the exact replica of how they appear on their websites. 

Below is a list of resources for current news:


China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau


U.S. and Canada

Looking for a paper newspaper

Looking for a paper newspaper?

HKBU Library subscribes to a number of paper newspapers (listed by regions below). The Current Newspapers Corner is located at Level 2 of the Main Library.

The Library only keeps the print copies for 4 weeks. The past issues are shelved in the Printing Room at Level 2 of the Main Library.


Hong Kong                                                      

Mainland China

