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Each entry in the list of works cited is composed of facts common to most works—the MLA core elements. They are assembled in a specific order:
An element should be omitted if it is not relevant to the work being documented.
The example citations on this page will show you how to present core elements for a variety of different work types.
See the section on Books below for examples of how to handle different numbers of authors.
The concept of containers is crucial to MLA style. When the source being documented forms part of a larger whole, the larger whole can be thought of as a container that holds the source.
For example, a short story may be contained in an anthology. The short story is the Title of source, and the anthology is the Title of container.
The names of months that are longer than four letters should be abbreviated in the works cited list:
Month | Abbreviation |
January | Jan. |
February | Feb. |
March | Mar. |
April | Apr. |
August | Aug. |
September | Sept. |
October | Oct. |
November | Nov. |
December | Dec. |
Selected academic abbreviations
Note that wherever confusion may result, words should be spelled out in full.
ch. - chapter
ed. - edition
et al. - and others (Latin. et alii, et aliae, et alia)
no. - number
par. - paragraph
P - Press (used in documentation, e.g. UP)
p., pp. - page, pages
rev. - revised
U - University (used in documentation, "U of Toronto P")
UP - University Press (used in documentation, "Harvard UP")
An article in a printed Journal
Author. |
Quincy, Bérnard. |
Title of source. |
"Plato and Shakespeare on Love." |
Title of container, |
History of Philosophy Quarterly, |
Other contributors, |
Version, |
vol. 26, |
Number, |
no. 2, |
Publisher, |
Publication date, |
2009, |
Location. |
pp. 103-120. |
Final works-cited list entry:
An article in an E-journal
Author. |
Butte, George. |
Title of source. |
"Henry James and Deep Intersubjectivity." |
Title of container, |
The Henry James Review, |
Other contributors, |
Version, |
vol. 30, |
Number, |
no. 2, |
Publisher, |
Publication date, |
2009, |
Location. |
pp. 129-143. Project MUSE. https://doi.org/10.1353/hjr.0.0045. |
Final works-cited list entry:
Note 1: Project MUSE is the name of the database
Note 2: When possible, cite a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) instead of a URL.
Books by one author
Note 1: Name the author in a "last name, first name" format.
Note 2: Italicize titles if the source is self-contained and independent.
Author. |
Flatley, Jonathan. |
Title of source. |
Affective Mapping: Melancholia and the Politics of Modernism. |
Title of container, |
Other contributors, |
Version, |
Number, |
Publisher, |
Harvard UP, |
Publication date, |
2008. |
Location. |
Final works-cited list entry:
Book by two authors
Follow "last name, first name" format for the first author;
Copy the name of the second author from title page and use commas to separate them;
Put "and" before the last author.
For example, the entry for this book written by Michael Dorris and Louise Erdrich would be presented as follows:
Books by three or more authors
Follow "last name, first name" format for the first author;
Use "et al." for other authors. This is an abbreviation of et alia, a Latin phrase meaning "and others".
For example:
For e-books, include a persistent link to the work. DOIs are preferred over URLs when available.
Author. |
Dancyger, Ken |
Title of source. |
Storytelling for Film and Television: From First Word to Last Frame. |
Title of container, |
Other contributors, |
Version, |
Number, |
Publisher, |
Routledge, |
Publication date, |
2019. |
Location. |
https://doi.org./10.4324/9781351245982. |
Final works-cited list entry:
When citing an anthology or compilation:
Author. |
Kepner, Susan Fulop, editor and translator. |
Title of source. |
The Lioness in Bloom: Modern Thai Fiction about Women. |
Title of container, |
Other contributors, |
Version, |
Number, |
Publisher, |
U of California P, |
Publication date, |
1996. |
Location. |
Final works-cited-list entry:
When citing a particular work that forms part of a collection of distinct essays, stories, poems, chapters, etc., the book is treated as the container for the work.
Include the inclusive page numbers for the work within the book.
Author. |
Bazin, Patrick |
Title of source. |
"Toward Metareading." |
Title of container, |
The Future of the Book, |
Other contributors, |
edited by Geoffrey Nunberg, |
Version, |
Number, |
Publisher, |
U of California P, |
Publication date, |
1996. |
Location. |
pp. 153-68. |
Final works-cited list entry:
When citing a translation:
To emphasize the original author's work:
Online videos
Author. |
Title of source. |
"ILL Service Introduction video". |
Title of container, |
Youtube, |
Other contributors, |
Version, |
Number, |
Publisher, |
uploaded by HKBU Library, |
Publication date, |
29 Mar. 2020, |
Location. |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUSOuaNR62c. |
Final works-cited list entry:
Films and TV Shows
Begin with the title and then the name of the director. You can include information about key participants in the position of other contributors:
Song from an album
Author. |
Eminem. |
Title of source. |
"The Real Slim Shady." |
Title of container, |
The Marshall Mathers LP, |
Other contributors, |
Version, |
Number, |
Publisher, |
Aftermath Entertainment/Interscope Records, |
Publication date, |
2000. |
Location. |
Final works-cited list entry:
Works Cited -- Archival Materials
Note 1: Name the author in a “last name, first name middle name” format.
Note 2: Provide titles in quotation and italics. If untitled, provide a description of the item without quotations or italics.
Note 3: Provide the date the document is created in a “Day month year” format. Add a question mark if the date is uncertain. Use “Date unknown” if the date is not known.
Note 4: Use the title of the archival collection as the Title of container.
Note 5: Use the Collection’s call number or reference number, Box number, Folder number, etc. of the document in the collection. Add the name of the repository (i.e. library or archive) and its location.
Note 6: Add DOI or URL if the document is available online.
Author |
Pitt, Elizabeth Mary. |
Title |
Letter to William Shakespeare. |
Date |
1 January 1590 |
Title of container |
Elizabeth Pitt Collection |
Location |
RG30, Box 3, Folder 5. Special Collections and Archives, Hong Kong Baptist University Library, Hong Kong. |
DOI or URL |
library.hkbu.edu.hk/collections/pitt/item1 |
Final works-cited list entry:
An article on a website
Author. |
Alcorn, Gay. |
Title of source. (Title of webpage) |
"'Melbourne's Bursting': Why the Population Boom is Dictating Victoria's Election" |
Title of container, (Title of website) |
The Guardian, |
Other contributors, |
Version, |
Number, |
Publisher, |
Publication date, |
19 Oct. 2018, |
Location. |
www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/oct/19/melbournes-bursting-why-the-population-boom-is-dictating-victorias-election. |
Optional element (Date of access) |
Accessed 20 Oct. 2018. |
Final works-cited list entry:
1. MLA Style recommends the inclusion of URLs in the works-cited list. Do not include "http://" or https://" when providing the URL.
2. If no publication date is provided, omit the information.
3. Date of access is an optional element, but may be important if the source itself gives no date specifying when it was produced or published.
A Government Publication
Author. |
Hong Kong SAR. Census and Statistics Department. |
Title of source. |
Special Topics Report No.62: Persons with disabilities and chronic diseases. |
Title of container, |
Other contributors, |
Version, |
Number, |
Publisher, |
Publication date, |
2014, |
Location. |
www.statistics.gov.hk/pub/B11301622014XXXXB0100.pdf. |
Optional Element (Date of access) |
20 Oct. 2018 |
Final works-cited list entry:
A Newspaper Article
Author. |
Broder, John M. |
Title of source. |
"Climate Deal Likely to Bear Big Price Tag." |
Title of container, |
New York Times, |
Other contributors, |
Version, |
Number, |
Publisher, |
Publication date, |
9 Dec. 2009, |
Location. |
A1. |
Final works-cited-list entry:
1. If an article does not have continuous pagination (e.g. starts on page B1 and continues on page B3) write only the first page number, followed by a plus sign: e.g. B1+.
2. If no page number is given, skip the information.
MLA does not prescribe a standard format for dissertations. We suggest using the basic format for books.
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