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Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Baptist University Library

BrowZine™: Setting up the BrowZine App

BrowZine™ is a browsable newsstand of the Library’s top journals. Easily discover, read, and monitor the key journals in your field.

Step 1: Download and install the Browzine App

Step 1: Download and install the Browzine App

Take BrowZine with you wherever you are, and enjoy the convenience of reading, organizing, and sharing articles while on the go! The screenshots on this page will walk you through four easy steps for getting set up.

First, download and install the BrowZine app:

Download the BrowZine app for iPad/iPhone

Download the Browzine app for Android devices

Step 2: Select HKBU

Step 2: Select HKBU

When you first open the BrowZine app, you will be presented with this setup screen. Find Hong Kong Baptist University on the list, and tap our name to continue. You will only be asked to login when you want to read or download the article.


Step 3: Authenticate your access

Step 3: Create an account

If you wish to save journals and articles to your BrowZine app and get a notification for new articles, you need to have a BrowZine account. Sign up for a BrowZine account using either your personal or HKBU email.

Step 4: Start browsing!

Step 4: Start browsing!

That's it! You can now start using BrowZine to read, save, and share journal articles from hundreds of titles in the Library's collections.