This online education platform provides over 5,000 courses focused on the development of business, technology, and creative skills. Each course is developed and led by experts, and the platform will provide you with recommendations based on your interests.
Please note that a VPN is required to access this resource from Mainland China.
Dates covered: Varies
Concurrent users: Limited account availability (see below)
Provider: LinkedIn
The number of licenses available to eligible HKBU users is limited and are allocated on a first-come first-served basis. To help ensure that everyone in the University community has an opportunity to access the platform, inactive users will be removed periodically.
This platform for technology and business learning provides access to thousands of e-books, videos, and online tutorials. Curated learning paths allow you to approach a topic at your own pace.
An award-winning online preparation course for IELTS co-published with the British Council. Road to IELTS provides comprehensive preparation and practice in every aspect of each of the four modules of the IELTS exam.
Dates covered: Current
Concurrent users: 5
Provider: Clarity Language Consultants Ltd
Platform designed to support the teaching and learning of research methodology at all levels. Hundreds of qualitative and quantitative methods are covered, together with interactive tools such as the Methods Map and Project Planner.
Click here for User Guide
Dates covered: Various
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Sage Publications
Full text: Some
Chinese Medicine Game-based Exercise aims to utilize and integrate the data from our existing Medicinal Plant Images Database. The innovative and flexible online platform enhances the interaction and communication among the students for the self-assessment purpose in their teaching & learning process."
Dates covered: Varies
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: HKBU Library