Unity is a game development platform and the world's leading third-party game making solution. These videos from TMW Media introduce the basics of Unity and the best way to learn game development with special attention to player movement and character building to create high-quality gaming experiences.
Dates covered: Current
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Wanfang Data
A comprehensive range of marketing information including case studies, topic pages, current trends, toolkits, and selected industry data.
Dates covered: Various
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Warc
Full-text: Yes
An academic platform that allows you to monitor research development and discover emerging trends via its citation indexes, which are used to track citation activities of leading journals in multiple disciplines. The Library provides access to the following subsets:
-Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED, 1980 - Current)
-Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI, 1980 - Current)
-Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI, 1994 - Current)
-Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI, 2017 - Current)
-Preprint Citation Index (1991-present)
-ProQuest™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index (PQDT, 1637-present)
Dates covered: 1637 - Current (see above for coverage of individual indexes)
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters)
Full-text: Citation information only
A database of legal content in Hong Kong, including cases, annotated legislation, and law journals. Some content of U.K. and Australia are also included.
After logging in with HKBU SSOid and password, click "Continue" to access the database.
Dates covered: 1905 - Current;
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Thomson Reuters
Full-text: Yes
Provides mostly legal content of U.S.A., including cases, statutes & court rules, briefs, and secondary sources such as law journals.
Dates covered: Various
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Thomson Reuters
Full text: Yes
WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services) is a comprehensive data management and research platform that provides access to a vast range of financial, economic, and marketing data.
WRDS is only available to current HKBU students and staff. Please register for an account in WRDS using your HKBU email and select “Hong Kong Baptist University” in the Subscriber field. The Library or School of Business will approve eligible registrants accordingly.
A collection of reference works and journals covering life, health & physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
Dates covered: Various
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Wiley
Full text: Some
Provides text-based content from newspapers, magazines, journals and newswires in the Greater China region, including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
Click here for the Library's guide to using WisersOne
Dates covered: 1998 - Current
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Wisers Information Limited
Full-text: Yes
Global in scope, this archive presents materials covering the social, political, and professional aspects of women's lives and offers a look at the roles, experiences, and achievements of women in society. Focuses chiefly on the 19th and 20th centuries.
Dates covered:: 1775 - 1998
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Cengage Gale
Full text: Yes
From political protests like China’s Tiananmen Square to workers’ rights and environmentalism, these materials capture global reactions to the century’s most consequential protest and reform movements.
Dates covered: 1945 - 1996
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Readex
Full text: Yes
A collection of academic journals in sciences and social sciences.
Dates covered: Various
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: World Scientific Publishing
Full text: Some