A collection of miscellaneous papers and reports from the British legation and consulates in China. Digitized from documents held at the UK National Archives, it comprises a catalogue of embassy archives, 1727 to 1859; trade and intelligence reports; records of legal proceedings; miscellaneous papers, some in Chinese, of the Chinese Secretary's Office; an entry book of papers relating to the East India Company in China; claims arising from Sino-Japanese hostilities, 1927 to 1940; accounts; circulars, etc.
Dates covered: 1727-1951
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Cengage Gale
Full-text: Yes
Bibliographic information and indexing for 22 key U.S. and international pharmaceutical, healthcare, biotechnology, medical device, and cosmetic industry newsletters
Dates covered: 1974 - Current
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: ProQuest
Full-text: Some
PhilPapers is a comprehensive index of philosophy books and articles. PhilPapers offers unique features such as real-time indexing of pre-prints, fine-grained classification by topic, email alerts, reading lists, advanced search functionality, and discussion forums.
Dates covered: Varies
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Centre for Digital Philosophy
Full text: Some
A complete digital archive of the Picture Post, the iconic newspaper published in Britain from 1938-1957 that defined the style of photojournalism in the 20th century. It provides snapshots of the daily life of ordinary people, as well as moments of historical importance in domestic and international affairs.
Dates covered: 1938 - 1957
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Cengage Gale
Full text: Yes
Full images of the archival documents of the British-run municipal police force based in Shanghai’s former International Settlement.
Dates covered: 1894-1945
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Cengage Gale
Full-text: Yes
The records are mostly instructions to and despatches from diplomatic and consular officials; the despatches are often accompanied by enclosures. Also included in these records are notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatives in the United States, memorandums prepared by officials of the Department.
Date coverage: 1930 - 1939
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Cengage Gale
Full text: Yes
This collection contains the six principal MID files relating exclusively to China for the period 1918 to 1941 (general conditions, political conditions, economic conditions, army, navy, and aeronautics).
Dates covered: 1918-1941
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Cengage Gale
Full-text: Yes
This online legal know how service provides rigorous peer reviewed resources, such as practice notes, current awareness and standard documents. These are designed to provide time-saving head starts that increase efficiency.
Dates covered: Varies
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Thomson Reuters
Full-text: Yes
This collection of translated articles from the official newspaper of the Soviet Communist Party offers insight into Russian and global history, beginning with the Cold War and carrying through to the Soviet Union’s collapse, and beyond.
Dates covered: 1959 - 1996
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Readex
Full text: Yes
Provides full-text of over 70 popular magazines for primary school students.
Dates covered: 1990 - Current
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: EBSCOhost
Full-text: Yes
A collection of academic journals in digital humanities and social sciences.
Dates covered: Various
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Full text: Some
These unique materials gathered by the CIA focus on the evolving role the Communist Chinese press and propaganda played in international affairs across much of the 20th century.
Dates covered: 1946 - 1996
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Readex
Full text: Yes
ProQuest is a major academic platform. HKBU members can use it to access over 40 different databases.
Instead of searching all ProQuest databases simultaneously, we recommend that you focus your search by selecting only those databases relevant to your topic.
Dates covered: Various
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: ProQuest
Full-text: Some
Multidisciplinary e-books hosted on the Proquest Ebook Central platform. Includes access to ProQuest Academic Complete with over 200,000 multi-disciplinary e-books covering a wide range of subjects, including humanities, social sciences, and business.
Concurrent users: Varies from 1 user to unlimited simultaneous users
Formats available: PDF or HTML
Download: Yes. Partial Download: 30% of the title in PDF format
Printing: Yes, printing limits vary from title to title
Do I need to create a separate account? No, but you can create a personal account, sign in to download, highlight and annotate documents, take notes, save favorites, create folders on the personal bookshelf.
Remarks: User guide. Tutorial videos. A small number of titles allow for a full download for a 7-day loan. However, this requires you to install Adobe Digital Editions.
A unique collection of English-language newspapers published in China during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It provides researchers with an invaluable source of online and easily-searchable first-hand accounts, together with contemporary coverage of politics, events, and society of the time.
Click here for User Guide
Dates covered: 1832 - 1953
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: ProQuest
Full-text: Yes
This historical archive of Hong Kong's most well-known English-language newspaper provides researchers with online, easily-searchable coverage of politics, society and events in the territory.
Click here for User Guide
Dates covered: 1903 - 2000
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: ProQuest
Full-text: Yes
Provides precise searching capability for the renowned newspaper The New York Times using subject terms and topics for focused and targeted results in combination with searchable full text, full page, and article-level images.
Click here for User Guide
Dates covered: 1851 - 2015
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: ProQuest
Full-text: Yes
Founded in 1838 to serve British residents of West India, The Times of India has become a very widely-circulated English daily newspaper. The historical issues of this newspaper will be of interest to scholars studying colonialism and post-colonialism, British and world history, class and gender issues, international relations, comparative religion, and more.
Click here for User Guide
Dates covered: 1838 - 2010
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: ProQuest
Full text: Yes
Designed to cover 150 key academic subject areas, this database includes over 5,000 scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers. Many are available in full text.
Dates covered: 1971 - Current
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: ProQuest
Full-text: Some
提供国外学位论文全文 [只包括圖書館訂購部份],主要收录了来自欧美国家2000余所知名大学的优秀博硕士论文,涉及文、理、工、农、医等多个领域。
Provides full-text of theses and dissertations on a wide range of subject areas from over 2,000 universities in Europe and the United States. User interface is in Chinese.
Dates covered: Various
Concurrent users: Unlimited users
Provider: 北京中科進出口有限責任公司
Full-text: Yes
Journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe & Huber.
Click here for User Guide
Dates covered: 1894 - Current
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: ProQuest
Full text: Yes
Provides access to the literature in psychology and related disciplines. Produced by the American Psychological Association, it has more than 8 million cited references in 185,000 journal articles, books, and book chapters.
Click here for User Guide
Dates covered: 1806 - Current
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: ProQuest
Full-text: Some
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, this database aims to provide citations to all literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Dates covered: 1871 - Current
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Full-text: Some
A version of MEDLINE, the premier database for citations to literature in medicine, biomedicine, pre-clinical sciences, health care and related subjects. Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, it contains over 24 million records.
Dates covered: 1946 - Current
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Full-text: Citation information only
The Punch Historical Archive, 1841-1992 is a digital collection of every issue of the weekly Punch magazine, the iconic British magazine of humour and satire that published some of the finest comic writers in the English language.
Dates covered: 1841-1992
Concurrent users: Unlimited
Provider: Cengage Gale
Full-text: Yes