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Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong Baptist University Library

Accountancy and Law Subject Guide: Home

Essential resources and research help for Accountancy and Law students

What are you looking for?

Welcome to the Library's subject guide for Accountancy and Law.

What do you need to do? 

 Find definition & topic information

  • Define key terms; Subject encyclopedias; and Recommended books

 Find materials

  • Subject databases; Journal articles; Resources beyond HKBU Library

 Find law & legal information

  • A guide dedicated to finding law & legal information in Hong Kong.


  • International, Hong Kong, Mainland China and other accounting standards


  • Tax system in Hong Kong and Mainland China

 Learn statistical software & skills

  • Data software on campus; EViews; Books on SPSS and statistical skills

 Organize & cite your sources

  • Organize your research; Automatically generate citations

 Useful Links

  • Access to useful associations and organizations related to Accounting

Image credit: Carlos Muza on Unsplash

For new Postgraduate students who wish to review the Library Orientation presentation on September 4, 2020, click here.